About Us...
The Affordable Housing Institute is a not-for-profit corporation, established in 1993 to undertake a wide range of housing-industry related research projects for corporations, governmental agencies, academic institutions, legislative committees and individuals. Shortly after its creation, AHI received an IRS 501 (c) 3 tax exemption. Since 1993 AHI has focused on developing and participating with for profit developers of multifamily affordable housing.

Executive Management
Bryan Hartnett - President for AHI
Bryan over-sees the acquisitions and new development of multifamily projects for the company. Bryan has been in the Affordable Housing industry since his tenure at Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) beginning 1997 where he quickly became the Multifamily Bond Program Administrator, over seeing loans for an average of 25 properties per year in excess of $220,000,000 in debt and close to $90,000,000 in the associated 4% tax credits. In addition to the Bond Program, Bryan also ran the State’s HOME Program while at FHFC. Bryan’s current role includes site selection and development of new communities. Graduating from Duke University with state and local government focus in his Public Policy Studies major in 1996, he subsequently received his MBA at Georgia State University’s J. Mack Robinson School of Business.
Robert C. Hartnett - AHI Co-Founder and Current Vice-President
Bob is a former member of the Florida Legislature, where he served as a three-term chairman of the House Banking & Finance Committee. He was president of Franklin Savings & Loan (South Florida), the first integrated banking institution in the south. A licensed real estate broker with an extensive background in the real estate industry, he has assisted a wide variety of clients in creating and executing unique and successful real estate-related programs. Combining his unique background in real estate, banking, and government, Mr. Hartnett operates as a highly respected legislative consultant in these areas. Among his clients have been Cardinal Industries, Inc., at the time the nation’s largest home builder, producing 25,000 dwelling units a year for the rental markets in 22 states. Under his leadership, AHI has successfully developed multifamily products and single family homes for Florida’s low income residents.
Jill C. Hartnett – Secretary of Board
Jill graduated from The New College of the University of Alabama. She received a Juris Doctorate degree from the Birmingham School of Law. Jill has extensive upper management experience specifically in human resources, regulatory compliance, and employment and labor law.